“Family Reunion Time"
It’s Summer time, the weather’s nice and
everyone is here.
to celebrate, have some fun, and spread
lots of joy and cheer!
This is a great occasion,
so, frowns should not be found.
We’ve come to enjoy each other, to show love,
and pass God’s blessings around.
From the Matriarchs, Verdell, Marie, Jo Ann, Johnny, Will,
Joyce Ann, Barbara, Bobby, Poley, Nell, Betty, Jackie, Eunice, Sister, Jimmy, Huley, Herbert Van,
Down to the youngest,
Place a smile on your face. We’ve come to celebrate,
and thank God for lives filled with grace
Harold, Monk, Sam, Melba
Teen, J.B., and Judy
these family members are now gone since the
last time we met here. We pray their souls are
resting with no worries, and no fear.
But, for those of us who are still here,
Let us carry on the Lane/Wesley tradition,
of hosting a yearly Reunion as our mission.
Let us cling to God’s Holy Word,
Let us offer God praises and thanksgiving,
as we have always heard.
Who knows what things may happen when
next year comes around?
Who knows whose face we see this year, next
year may not be around.
So, let ‘s enjoy one another, and celebrate this grand occasion for what it is,
“A Lane/Wesley Family Reunion “for the past 115 YEARS!
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